Singingtoes... happy feet, warmed by hand and wool....and a voice that loves to sing. Rare is the moment when there is no song in my head or my heart. Is it your turn to sing?

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Starting Over....

I've decided to move my blog. My old blog at singingtoes is still active but since I was having some difficulty to get it to look the way I wanted to I figured it was time to move on.

Actually there's a really big part of me that loves starting over. Fresh page, new day...everything bright and clear ready to face any and all challenges.

For today:

worship was inspiring
reading has instilled in me a sense of wholeness
there will be fiber in my day: spinning and knitting
nice hot soup to warm the tummy and the heart

Enjoy this "Super" day. (for all you ball fans out there) I will be working on some socks for CIC while my dearest watches.

And just for fun a pic of my bookshelf taken yesterday. How many sheepy things can you see?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its an fun and exciting journey thru this small and simple life with you.