Singingtoes... happy feet, warmed by hand and wool....and a voice that loves to sing. Rare is the moment when there is no song in my head or my heart. Is it your turn to sing?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

It's a Saturday Thing...

Time to be up and at 'em. Right?

The day is cold and sunny and sometimes on days like this I just like to hunker down and work with my hands. Hands that are often happy while working with wool or while creating something warm and wonderful in the kitchen. Not sure yet which this will be.

The pink and white fiber: white is kid mohair
pink is unknown that I dyed last week. I started with a natural dye bath using cooked red cabbage. Very pretty but on impact with vinegar turned a yucky pink. I then began adding Wilton's red and the end result is what you now see. I'm currently spinning this and plying to 2 ply for sock yarn.

On the right is the blue/purples that I'm spinning possibly again for sock yarn. This is the blue for my PS2 project.

For interest only: the main part of the living room is a. natural tones on the walls and floor and b. black furniture (which was here when we moved in). Not sure I would even have chosen black and am enjoying adding the red! The room is bright and cheery. Lots of windows and natural light which makes it ideal for reading, spinning, knitting, or just watching the birds as they come to the window.

Gone back to my Sony Mavica camera. The display on the back is broken so when I take the pic I have no idea what it's going to look like until I pop the disk in the pc. It's a rather big older style digital that takes a full size floppy. I really like it except for the disply thingy. It also has a 10x zoom but without being able to see where it's zooming to you could be taking a pic of the bark on the tree. to do what needs done and a few things just because I can.

til again,

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