Singingtoes... happy feet, warmed by hand and wool....and a voice that loves to sing. Rare is the moment when there is no song in my head or my heart. Is it your turn to sing?

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I had no idea so much time had passed since my last post...really!

Life has been and is very busy. My music studio is now half full and more advertising is going out soon. Choirs are rehearsing and singing up great tunes. I continue to attempt to make crepes that start out as nice round shapes. We've packed, moved, and are in the process of unpacking.

I'm still searching for some of my fibery items but most have been accounted for.

Currently working on a pair of socks for a DF for Christmas and have swatched for a pair for DH. Now if I could just find the time in my day to knit.

Spinning wheel is sitting quietly and my spindles call to me in loneliness.

Life if full; life is good! I am thankful!!! REALLY!

Hugs and blessings to all.....til again!

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