Singingtoes... happy feet, warmed by hand and wool....and a voice that loves to sing. Rare is the moment when there is no song in my head or my heart. Is it your turn to sing?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Since April 1st!

With April comes one of the busiest times of the year for anyone involved in weekly church services. This year has been no different. Extra choir music, extra rehearsals and a really great duet rounded out Easter weekend. What a blessing for all!

Between work at the church and at the restaurant my fiber time has been sorely lacking. I'm still definitely in need of my hand knit socks. Two new holes were found today. I have 1 and 1/2 socks finished in my next pair...which actually will be for me.

I have some really nice grey shetland on the wheel that I try to spin about 5-10 min each day. Most days it's a bit more...some less. Still thinking it will be socks but also thinking about dyeing 1/2 of it with black cherry KA. Always a great combo.

I did manage to get some shopping in for my SP just before Easter and the surprise will be in the mail early next week. Isn't it exciting to shop for someone else? I think so!

I now have my holiday time booked with all my jobs and am looking forward to some vacation in July. Perhaps a trip to the east coast. I haven't been since 1983 and feel it's about time.

Well, the creative side of my brain is telling me it's time for my pillow and blanket. Will write again when I'm much more alert and ready to handle a more literary task here.

Til again,



Anonymous said...

Hi, Doll!
Great to see you here again. I've been almost too busy to post much too. (ahem! cough... hint).
Glad you are enjoying shopping for your pal - I am definitely having fun shopping for you! I hope to (finally) get your package in the mail by the end of the week.

Quail Hill Knits said...


Just a note to encourage you to let us all know what you are up to.