Singingtoes... happy feet, warmed by hand and wool....and a voice that loves to sing. Rare is the moment when there is no song in my head or my heart. Is it your turn to sing?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday and the end of the week........

For most folk Friday is the end of the work week allowing for some down time on the weekend. For me it's not quite so. I work at the restaurant for a 2 hour shift on Saturdays then 3 hours at church Sunday a.m. and now also about 2 hours in the afternoon as we prepare to present a family musical for Mother's Day. How exciting!

I always have a dilemma 2 favorite things to and fiber. The question?? how to blend the 2...pun intended.

I'm currently finishing up a sock that has been started for, well, about the 3rd or 4 th time and was part of the Sock Madness competition. Did I mention that I'm no longer in the running? Life is just way too busy for me to knit fast enough to catch these awesome knitters. I'll knit on however and finish the socks.

The question has been posed: "what is your favorite knitting accessory?" I think mine is the ranger beads my husband put together for me in order for me to count my rows. Like an abacus I'm able to move a bead from one end to the other as I complete a row. Certainly easier than trying to keep track on paper while being a passenger in the car.

Perhaps I'll get a pic to put in here.

Now.........on to my weekend...more fun...more crepes and lots of music.

Blessings to all
Til again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fanfare please, maestro! Cue the trumpets!!

She's here! She's really truly here at her blog!

Okay, perhaps that was a little melodramatic, but I was beginning to wonder...

YSP -aka- Ms. Crypto Knitsalot

BTW - I would love to see pix of your very own unique beady row counter.